From Ymirheim Wiki
Attributes are values that affect in-game characters' parameters. Increasing certain attributes may increase the character's damage done or defense against monsters and other players.
To be able to see a full complete list of character's attributes, type /attributes in an in-game chat.
- Melee Attack: A value that represents how powerful melee attacks are. Affects melee based skills and usual attacks damage. The higher the value is the more powerful those attacks are.
- Ranged Attack: A value that represents how powerful ranged attacks are. Affects ranged based skills and usual attacks damage. The higher the value is the more powerful those attacks are.
Intelligence directly affects:
- Magic Attack:
MagicAttackPerIntelligence = Intelligence * 3.0
- Mana:
ManaMultiplierPerIntelligence = 1 + (Intelligence * 0.03)
- Mana Recovery:
ManaRecoveryPerIntelligence = Intelligence / 48.0
- Magic Defense:
MagicDefensePerIntelligence = Intelligence
Concentration directly affects:
- Melee Balance:
MeleeBalancePerConcentration = Math.Pow(Concentration, 0.5) * 35.0
- Ranged Balance:
RangedBalancePerConcentration = Math.Pow(Concentration, 0.5) * 35.0
- Magic Balance:
MagicBalancePerConcentration = Math.Pow(Concentration, 0.5) * 35.0
- Melee Attack:
MeleeAttackPerBaseConcentration = Concentration / 2.0
- Ranged Attack:
RangedAttackPerConcentration = Concentration * 2.0
- Magic Attack:
MagicAttackPerBaseConcentration = Concentration / 2.0
- Melee Hit Rate:
MeleeHitRatePerConcentration = Concentration
- Ranged Hit Rate:
RangedHitRatePerConcentration = Concentration
- Magic Hit Rate:
MagicHitRatePerConcentration = Concentration
Dexterity directly affects:
- Magic Defense:
MagicDefencePerBaseDexterity = Dexterity / 4.0
- Melee Evasion Rate:
MeleeEvasionRatePerDexterity = Dexterity
- Ranged Evasion Rate:
RangedEvasionRatePerDexterity = Dexterity
- Magic Evasion Rate:
MagicEvasionRatePerDexterity = Dexterity
- Attack Speed:
AttackSpeedPerDexterity = Math.Pow(Dexterity, 1.5) / 5.0
- Cooldown Speed:
CooldownSpeedPerDexterity = Math.Pow(Dexterity, 1.5) / 40.0
- Casting Speed:
CastingSpeedPerDexterity = Math.Pow(Dexterity, 1.5) / 3.0
Vitality directly affects:
- Health:
HealthMultiplierPerVitality = 1.0 + (Math.Pow(Vitality, 0.7) * 0.1)
- Health Recovery:
HealthRecoveryPerVitality = Vitality / 15.0
- Defense:
DefensePerVitality = (Vitality / 2.0) + Math.Max(Vitality * 0.03, (Math.Pow(Vitality, 2) / 150.0) - 1)
Luck directly affects:
- Melee Critical Hit Rate:
MeleeCriticalHitRatePerLuck = Luck / 3.0
- Ranged Critical Hit Rate:
RangedCriticalHitRatePerLuck = Luck / 3.0
- Magic Critical Hit Rate:
MagicCriticalHitRatePerLuck = Luck / 3.0