
From Ymirheim Wiki

Element Relations

Elements are special kind of in-game forces or properties, that affect every entity in the world in various ways.

There are eight elements in the in-game world: Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Soul, and Ghost. Absence of any element sometimes can be called as Neutral element.

Every entity in the game (player characters, NPCs, monsters, and structures) has specific affinities to certain elements, which defines its abilities, powers and weaknesses, and how it can react with other entities.

Player characters are naturally Neutral, while most monsters naturally have affinity to certain specific elements.

Any kind of attack (skill, normal weapon attack, DoT auras) can have one of the elements assigned to it. Attacks without any elemental attribute assigned are considered Neutral.

List of elements

Name Icon/Color Description Powers Opposing element Neighboring elements
Light Light.png White Element of law and order Protection, cooperation, unity Dark Fire, Earth
Dark Dark.png Black Element of inertia and lifelessness Undead, diseases, vampirism Light Water, Wind
Fire Fire.png Red Element of raw power and dynamics Power and fury Water Soul, Light
Water Water.png Blue Element of calmness and dreams Control Fire Ghost, Dark
Earth Earth.png Green Element of the life force Recovery, growth Wind Light, Ghost
Wind Wind.png Yellow Element of the untamed energy Destruction, chaos Earth Dark, Soul
Soul Soul.png Purple Element of spirit, joy, feeling and love Music, magic Ghost Wind, Fire
Ghost Ghost.png Grey Element of mind, logic, science, precision Technology and weaponry Soul Earth, Water

Element Relations

Every element has its opposing counterpart: Light is opposed to Dark, Fire to Water, Earth to Wind, Soul to Ghost and vise versa. Combining any pair of the opposing elements results in mitigation of both of them and always gravitate to Neutral. On the other hand, combining neighboring elements (like Fire and Light), results in amplification of both neighbors.

Attacking an entity that has one specific element affinity with its opposing element produces higher damage, while attacking it with the same element lowers the damage.

Aster elemental chart. Green zone indicates resistance; red zone indicates vulnerability. Blue line indicates natural element affinity; red line shows final elemental affinity.

For example, Aster is half Dark, half Water, which makes it highly resistive to those elements (since they amplify each other), and vulnerable to Fire and Light; but it also affects it’s resistance to neighboring elements: Aster is slightly vulnerable to Soul and Earth, while being slightly resistive to Wind and Ghost.