Small Vadon

From Ymirheim Wiki
Small Vadon
Small Vadon.png
Level range 3~4
Type Fish
Race Vadon
Size Small
Role Monster
  • Ground
  • Underwater (seabed only)
Experience Base: 9~14
Class: 6~7
Weapon: 1~1
  • Assister
Small Vadon Card
Weight: 0.001
Max stack: 20
This item can't be sold.

A magic card enchanted with Small Vadon Spirit.
By casting the spell written on this card you can transfer the spirit into a piece of equipment.

When enchanted:
Duration of Root type auras -30%

The Small Vadon is a dangerously large baby crab of a bigger crab that pollutes the Hoddmimis coast, many adventurers painstakingly murder these crabs to straggle gear together at a small price to begin their adventure. Many beginning adventurers have over-estimated the dangers and have perished.

Main Details


Valued Resources

Item Name Drop Chance Quantity Used For
icon Vadon Leg[!# 1330000016 ] Common 1~3
icon Vadon Flower[!# 1330000018 ] Uncommon 1
icon Vadon Shell Uncommon 1 icon Reinforced Wooden Chestpiece
icon Vadon Claw Uncommon 1 icon Vadon Doll

Quests Involved In

