
From Ymirheim Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Template:QuestListTable and the translation is 100% complete.

This template can be used to display a list of quests linked to a specific wiki category.

For a quest page to be displayed here it needs to be linked to the specified category and have a quest info box properly configured.


  • CATEGORY_1: Main category to select quests from.
  • CATEGORY_2 (optional): Secondary category (the pages should be in both categories to appear).
  • type (optional): Additional quest type filter (only if multiple QuestInfoBox templates appear on the page and you want to filter them out): general, personal, mainstory


 {{QuestListTable|Main Story Quests}}
Nome da Missão Nível Disponibilidade EXP Base EXP de Classe EXP de Arma Dinheiro Itens
Chegada 1 04:42 ~ 04:42 0 0 0 0 Rupee

 {{QuestListTable|Hoddmimis Quests|Repeatable Quests|type=general}}
Nome da Missão Nível Disponibilidade EXP Base EXP de Classe EXP de Arma Dinheiro Itens
Entrega de Flores 5 05:00 ~ 10:00 425 260 0 775 Rupee
Coletando a Correspondência 3 06:00 ~ 18:00 125 60 0 420 Rupee
Entrega de Almoço 1 10:00 ~ 15:00 65 25 0 260 Rupeeicon Sanduíche de vegetais do Averro Reinhold ×1
Logística dos Correios 3 06:00 ~ 18:00 125 60 0 420 Rupee