Yellow-Eyed Fish

From Ymirheim Wiki
Yellow-Eyed Fish
Yellow Eyed Fish.png
Level range 3~4
Type Fish
Race Small Fish
Size Small
Role Monster
  • Underwater (swimming freely)
Experience Base: 11~13
Class: 5~7
Weapon: 1~1
  • Coward
Yellow-Eyed Fish Card
Head Accessory
Weight: 0.001
Max stack: 20
This item can't be sold.

A magic card enchanted with Yellow-Eyed Fish Spirit.
By casting the spell written on this card you can transfer the spirit into a piece of equipment.

When enchanted:
Resource Discovery Chance +5%

The Yellow-Eyed Fish is a fish that can be found outside Hoddmimis along the coastline near town, more of them like to group up near the bridges connecting the islands.

Main Details


Valued Resources

Item Name Drop Chance Quantity Used For
icon Fish Tail[!# 1330000026 ] Common 1
icon Fish Fin Common 1
icon Fish Eye[!# 1330000027 ] Uncommon 1

Quests Involved In

