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Cards are special items that contain enchanted spirits. Cards are the only way to collect and trade monster spirits. All cards have blue (Rare) rarity.

Картка «Пукуї»
Вага: 0.001
Макс. кількість у слоті: 20
Цей предмет неможливо продати.

Магічна карта, зачарована Духом Пукуї.
Вимовивши заклинання, описане на цій картці, ви можете перенести зачарований дух у предмет спорядження.

При зачаруванні:
Життєвість +2
Макс. запас здоров'я +100

You can use a card to enchant the card's spirit into a corresponding piece of equipment. During enchantment, the card will be destroyed, but the card's status effects are going to be transferred into the chosen piece of equipment.

If a piece of equipment is already enchanted with a card it is possible to re-enchant it with another card, but previous enchantment will be lost together with the card. It is not possible to take the spirit out of the piece of equipment.

Monster Spirit

Дух Пукуї
Вага: 0.021
Цей предмет неможливо обміняти.
Цей предмет неможливо продати.

Маленький, яскравий, але швидко згасаючий згусток чистої енергії.
Краще поквапитися і знайти, куди його помістити, щоб він не згас або не влаштував пожежі в сумці.

When you kill monsters, sometimes you can obtain their spirit. Every monster type drops its own spirit type. The spirits' drop probability is 0.01% which is equal to a 1 to 10000 chance.

The spirit lasts for 3 hours and after 3 hours have passed the spirit will expire and will be lost forever. The expiration date of the spirit can be drastically increased through putting the spirit into an icon Порожня пляшка. The bottled spirits' expiration date is 10 days which is equal to a 240 hours.


A zoologist NPC can enchant the spirit into a card. Card enchantment require a bottled spirit and specific crystals. After the spirit is enchanted into a card, it becomes permanent and available for trade and enchantment into equipment pieces.

There is a zoologist NPC in each town, who specializes on the monsters of that particular region. For example, if you've obtained a spirit near Prontera, you should visit the Prontera zoologist to enchant it into a card.

List of zoologists and the monsters they specialize in:

List of currently available cards

User-made Changelog

The cards were firstly introduced in a pre CBT2 progress report post. 30.06.2022