Arrival (Quest)

From Ymirheim Wiki
Quest Level 1
Type Main Story
Quest giver N/A

Experience Base: 0
Class: 0
Weapon: 0

Arrival is a main story quest.


Story description (potential spoilers!)

You woke up on a strange ship.
All you have is a dagger and a couple of vague memories of some kind of storm and of someone dear to your heart.
All you can remember is your name and, for some odd reason, the name of your dagger.

Story description (potential spoilers!)

The ship has arrived to Hoddmimis.
Well, kind of... Almost.
Find your way to Hoddmimis town.

Story description (potential spoilers!)

You have arrived to Hoddmimis.
Time to look around and find out what happened.


  • After the cutscene, talk to Nea Sabirine just next to you when you wake up to receive your Dagger.
  • Head up the stairs to the upper deck of the ship and speak to the captain, Arolas Botolph.
  • (optional) Up until this point you have a chance to complete a small sidequest Moritz Needs a Hand. Moritz can be found at the stern of the ship.
  • Talk to the captain once again and choose "Okay." to head to the island. Choosing the option "I'm fine… I want to take a look around a little more." gives you more time to look around the ship, effectively pausing the quest until you talk to the captain again and choose the "Okay." option.
  • (On the island, after the cutscene) Talk to Arolas Botolph, now you need to find Moritz.
  • Swim South-West across the water to find him at the beach and talk to him.
  • Now head up the beach a little to the blue tent and talk to Nea Sabirine.
  • Next head to Hoddmimis town and speak to the guard just near the entrance, Sid Bircher.
  • Head North-West in town to find Miroslav Baum, talk to him.
  • Now head to Hoddmimis Inn and speak to Josef Gils and agree to stay the night.