Skill Book

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Revision as of 13:59, 27 October 2023 by RelliuG (talk | contribs) (Added link for chinese)

Skill books are in-game items.

How To Learn

To be able to learn new combat skills and level up already learned characters' combat skills, players must use skill books. Skill books can be bought from Cattleya Organization NPCs, which are located across the game world. The books can be bought with the in-game Currency.

For a player to either learn or level up a skill for their character they must posses sskill book of corresponding level.

Hovering over a skill book prompts a pop-up which describes information about corresponding skill:

Class Requirements

A player can buy any skill books, but can use only those that meet the class requirement. For example : if the player has Knight as a current character class, the player can buy other classes' books, but can't use them. To be able to use other classes' skill books, the player have to change the class corresponding to the skill book of choice.


Hoddmimis: Miroslav Baum

Caption text
Profession Skill Level cLv. Requirements Price
Common icon Dagger Mastery 2 4 100 Rupee
Common icon Dagger Mastery 3 7 400 Rupee
Common icon Sword Mastery 1 1 100 Rupee
Common icon Sword Mastery 2 4 450 Rupee
Common icon Sword Mastery 3 7 1850 Rupee
Common icon Swordstick Mastery 1 1 100 Rupee
Common icon Swordstick Mastery 2 4 450 Rupee
Common icon Swordstick Mastery 3 7 1850 Rupee
Adventurer icon Quick Strike 1 1 15 Rupee
Adventurer icon Quick Strike 2 3 91 Rupee
Adventurer icon Quick Strike 3 6 320 Rupee
Adventurer icon Life Gift 1 1 50 Rupee
Adventurer icon Life Gift 2 3 210 Rupee
Adventurer icon Life Gift 3 6 620 Rupee
Adventurer icon Soul Strike 1 1 100 Rupee
Adventurer icon Soul Strike 2 3 330 Rupee
Adventurer icon Soul Strike 3 6 910 Rupee
Adventurer icon Martial Arts 1 1 150 Rupee
Adventurer icon Martial Arts 2 3 440 Rupee
Adventurer icon Martial Arts 3 6 1100 Rupee
Adventurer icon Slap 1 2 100 Rupee
Adventurer icon Slap 2 6 1300 Rupee
Adventurer icon Tactical Scratching 1 4 500 Rupee
Adventurer icon Tactical Scratching 2 6 790 Rupee
Adventurer icon Tactical Scratching 3 8 1400 Rupee
Adventurer icon Expert Punching 1 4 250 Rupee
Adventurer icon Expert Punching 2 7 370 Rupee
Adventurer icon Sprint 1 7 700 Rupee
Adventurer icon Unexpected Hit 1 8 500 Rupee
Adventurer icon Trick Attack 1 9 450 Rupee
Adventurer icon Phantom Strike 1 1 50 Rupee
Adventurer icon Phantom Strike 2 3 210 Rupee
Adventurer icon Phantom Strike 3 6 620 Rupee
Adventurer icon Phantom Strike 4 10 1500 Rupee
Adventurer icon Peace of Mind 1 1 70 Rupee
Adventurer icon Peace of Mind 2 3 160 Rupee
Adventurer icon Peace of Mind 3 6 410 Rupee
Adventurer icon Peace of Mind 4 10 1100 Rupee
Berserker icon Savagery 1 1 450 Rupee
Berserker icon Savagery 2 4 970 Rupee
Berserker icon Savagery 3 8 2100 Rupee
Berserker icon Steady Hand 1 2 250 Rupee
Berserker icon Steady Hand 2 4 540 Rupee
Berserker icon Steady Hand 3 7 1200 Rupee
Berserker icon Bash 1 1 550 Rupee
Berserker icon Bash 2 2 1400 Rupee
Berserker icon Bash 3 12 3200 Rupee
Berserker icon Anger Management 1 8 900 Rupee
Berserker icon Rage Flow 1 5 120 Rupee
Berserker icon Rage Flow 2 8 1800 Rupee
Berserker icon Battle Cry 1 9 2500 Rupee

Recruit icon Rifle Mastery 1 1 100 Rupee
Recruit icon Rifle Mastery 2 4 450 Rupee
Recruit icon Rifle Mastery 3 7 1850 Rupee
Recruit icon Firing Practice 1 2 250 Rupee
Recruit icon Firing Practice 2 5 770 Rupee
Recruit icon Firing Practice 3 9 1900 Rupee
Recruit icon Hawk Eye 1 3 500 Rupee
Recruit icon Hawk Eye 2 6 910 Rupee
Recruit icon Hawk Eye 3 10 1800 Rupee
Recruit icon Paralyzing Shot 1 5 750 Rupee
Recruit icon Paralyzing Shot 2 8 1400 Rupee
Recruit icon Paralyzing Shot 3 12 2800 Rupee
Recruit icon Aiming Shot 1 7 1300 Rupee
Recruit icon Mark Target 1 12 1800 Rupee
Priest icon Cure 1 1 150 Rupee
Priest icon Angelus 1 3 520 Rupee
Priest icon Angelus 2 7 1300 Rupee
Priest icon Angelus 3 12 3000 Rupee
Priest icon Regen 1 5 1300 Rupee
Priest icon Regen 2 9 1700 Rupee
Priest icon Unchain 1 7 750 Rupee
Priest icon Magnificat 1 8 1500 Rupee
Priest icon Magnificat 2 11 1900 Rupee
Enchanter icon Increase Spiritual Power 1 1 250 Rupee
Enchanter icon Increase Spiritual Power 2 3 350 Rupee
Enchanter icon Increase Spiritual Power 3 6 630 Rupee
Enchanter icon Ice Wave 1 2 350 Rupee
Enchanter icon Ice Wave 2 5 630 Rupee
Enchanter icon Ice Wave 3 9 1300 Rupee
Enchanter icon Sense of Magic 1 4 520 Rupee
Enchanter icon Fireball 1 7 1500 Rupee
Enchanter icon Fireball 2 10 1900 Rupee
Enchanter icon Lightning Strike 1 10 2100 Rupee
Enchanter icon Memorize 1 12 1900 Rupee
Knight icon Defense Mastery 1 1 250 Rupee
Knight icon Defense Mastery 2 3 350 Rupee
Knight icon Defense Mastery 3 6 630 Rupee
Knight icon Provoke 1 3 2100 Rupee
Knight icon Provoke 2 7 2900 Rupee
Knight icon Provoke 3 12 4500 Rupee
Knight icon Shield Mastery 1 4 300 Rupee
Knight icon Shield Mastery 2 7 470 Rupee
Knight icon Shield Mastery 3 11 920 Rupee
Knight icon Defensive Stance 1 8 1500 Rupee
Knight icon Shield Strike 1 10 2100 Rupee
Knight icon Reflect Shield 1 12 1900 Rupee
Assassin icon Sharpened Blades 1 1 250 Rupee
Assassin icon Sharpened Blades 2 3 350 Rupee
Assassin icon Sharpened Blades 3 6 630 Rupee
Assassin icon Deep Cut 1 2 350 Rupee
Assassin icon Deep Cut 2 9 3300 Rupee
Assassin icon Quick Step 1 4 520 Rupee
Assassin icon Quick Step 2 7 930 Rupee
Assassin icon Quick Step 3 11 1900 Rupee
Assassin icon Hemorrhage 1 7 860 Rupee
Assassin icon Hemorrhage 2 10 1500 Rupee
Assassin icon Hiding Stance 1 10 2100 Rupee
Assassin icon Induce Sleep 1 12 1700 Rupee

Prontera: Heinrich Hansel

Caption text
Profession Skill Level cLv. Requirements Price
Common icon Dagger Mastery 4 7 400 Rupee
Common icon Dagger Mastery 5 11 1600 Rupee
Common icon Dagger Mastery 6 16 4300 Rupee
Common icon Sword Mastery 3 7 1850 Rupee
Common icon Sword Mastery 4 11 5000 Rupee
Common icon Sword Mastery 5 16 1 Zeny 600 Rupee
Common icon Swordstick Mastery 4 7 1850 Rupee
Common icon Swordstick Mastery 5 11 5000 Rupee
Common icon Swordstick Mastery 6 16 1 Zeny 600 Rupee
Adventurer icon Quick Strike 4 10 900 Rupee
Adventurer icon Quick Strike 5 15 2100 Rupee
Adventurer icon Quick Strike 6 21 4600 Rupee
Adventurer icon Life Gift 3 6 620 Rupee
Adventurer icon Life Gift 4 10 1500 Rupee
Adventurer icon Life Gift 5 15 3200 Rupee
Adventurer icon Soul Strike 3 11 910 Rupee
Adventurer icon Soul Strike 4 16 2200 Rupee
Adventurer icon Soul Strike 5 22 4600 Rupee
Adventurer icon Martial Arts 3 6 1100 Rupee
Adventurer icon Martial Arts 4 10 2300 Rupee
Adventurer icon Martial Arts 5 15 4500 Rupee
Adventurer icon Slap 3 6 3800 Rupee
Adventurer icon Tactical Scratching 3 8 1400 Rupee
Adventurer icon Tactical Scratching 4 11 2600 Rupee
Adventurer icon Tactical Scratching 5 14 4800 Rupee
Adventurer icon Expert Punching 3 11 650 Rupee
Adventurer icon Expert Punching 4 16 1300 Rupee
Adventurer icon Sprint 2 15 2100 Rupee
Adventurer icon Unexpected Hit 2 12 2400 Rupee
Adventurer icon Unexpected Hit 3 17 6000 Rupee
Adventurer icon Trick Attack 2 12 910 Rupee
Adventurer icon Trick Attack 3 16 2100 Rupee
Adventurer icon Act Dead 1 10 1500 Rupee
Adventurer icon Act Dead 2 15 5700 Rupee
Adventurer icon Beg For Mercy 1 15 4500 Rupee
Adventurer icon Throw Stone 1 16 6200 Rupee
Adventurer icon Phantom Strike 4 10 1500 Rupee
Adventurer icon Phantom Strike 5 15 3200 Rupee
Adventurer icon Phantom Strike 6 21 6300 Rupee
Adventurer icon Phantom Strike 7 28 1 Zeny 1000 Rupee
Adventurer icon Peace of Mind 4 10 1100 Rupee
Adventurer icon Peace of Mind 5 15 2500 Rupee
Adventurer icon Peace of Mind 6 21 5400 Rupee
Adventurer icon Peace of Mind 7 28 1 Zeny 1000 Rupee
Berserker icon Savagery 3 8 2100 Rupee
Berserker icon Savagery 4 13 4300 Rupee
Berserker icon Savagery 5 19 8200 Rupee
Berserker icon Steady Hand 3 7 1200 Rupee
Berserker icon Steady Hand 4 10 2400 Rupee
Berserker icon Steady Hand 5 15 4600 Rupee
Berserker icon Bash 3 12 3200 Rupee
Berserker icon Bash 4 18 6500 Rupee
Berserker icon Bash 5 25 1 Zenny 2000 Rupee
Berserker icon Anger Management 2 16 1800 Rupee
Berserker icon Getting Angry 1 25 3400 Rupee
Berserker icon Getting Angry 2 28 4400 Rupee
Berserker icon Quicken Attack 1 30 7200 Rupee
Berserker icon Battle Cry 2 15 3700 Rupee
Berserker icon Battle Cry 3 19 6200 Rupee
Berserker icon Rage Flow 3 12 3900 Rupee
Berserker icon Rage Flow 4 17 7800 Rupee
Berserker icon Charge 1 15 2100 Rupee
Berserker icon Charge 2 18 2500 Rupee
Berserker icon Magnum Break 1 17 2500 Rupee
Berserker icon Magnum Break 2 20 3200 Rupee

Recruit icon Rifle Mastery 3 7 1850 Rupee
Recruit icon Rifle Mastery 4 11 5000 Rupee
Recruit icon Rifle Mastery 5 16 1 Zeny 600 Rupee
Recruit icon Firing Practice 3 9 1900 Rupee
Recruit icon Firing Practice 4 14 4100 Rupee
Recruit icon Firing Practice 5 20 8000 Rupee
Recruit icon Hawk Eye 3 10 1800 Rupee
Recruit icon Hawk Eye 4 15 3700 Rupee
Recruit icon Hawk Eye 5 21 7200 Rupee
Recruit icon Paralyzing Shot 3 12 2800 Rupee
Recruit icon Paralyzing Shot 4 17 5600 Rupee
Recruit icon Paralyzing Shot 5 23 1 Zeny 1000 Rupee
Recruit icon Aiming Shot 2 11 2500 Rupee
Recruit icon Aiming Shot 3 16 5000 Rupee
Recruit icon Mark Target 1 12 1800 Rupee
Recruit icon Mark Target 2 14 2400 Rupee
Recruit icon Mark Target 3 17 3800 Rupee
Recruit icon Armor Breaker 1 16 2100 Rupee
Recruit icon Armor Breaker 2 19 2900 Rupee
Recruit icon Final Shot 1 20 2500 Rupee
Priest icon Cure 2 13 3800 Rupee
Priest icon Angelus 3 12 3000 Rupee
Priest icon Angelus 4 18 6100 Rupee
Priest icon Regen 3 14 2700 Rupee
Priest icon Regen 4 20 4800 Rupee
Priest icon Unchain 2 20 8200 Rupee
Priest icon Magnificat 2 11 1900 Rupee
Priest icon Magnificat 3 15 2900 Rupee
Priest icon Awakening 1 13 1300 Rupee
Priest icon Heal 1 15 2500 Rupee
Priest icon Heal 2 17 3300 Rupee
Priest icon Suffragium 1 20 2500 Rupee
Priest icon Rapture 2 28 4600 Rupee
Priest icon Revive 2 39 3 Zeny 5000 Rupee
Priest icon Salvation 2 37 1 Zeny 5000 Rupee
Enchanter icon Increase Spiritual Power 3 6 630 Rupee
Enchanter icon Increase Spiritual Power 4 10 1300 Rupee
Enchanter icon Increase Spiritual Power 5 15 2700 Rupee
Enchanter icon Ice Wave 3 9 1300 Rupee
Enchanter icon Ice Wave 4 14 2700 Rupee
Enchanter icon Ice Wave 5 20 5500 Rupee
Enchanter icon Sense of Magic 2 14 1200 Rupee
Enchanter icon Fireball 3 14 2800 Rupee
Enchanter icon Fireball 4 19 4700 Rupee
Enchanter icon Lightning Strike 1 10 2100 Rupee
Enchanter icon Lightning Strike 2 13 3300 Rupee
Enchanter icon Lightning Strike 3 17 5800 Rupee
Enchanter icon Memorize 1 12 1900 Rupee
Enchanter icon Memorize 2 14 2300 Rupee
Enchanter icon Memorize 3 17 3200 Rupee
Enchanter icon Fire Mastery 1 15 2400 Rupee
Enchanter icon Fire Mastery 2 18 3200 Rupee
Enchanter icon Mana Shield 2 28 4800 Rupee
Knight icon Defense Mastery 3 6 630 Rupee
Knight icon Defense Mastery 4 10 1300 Rupee
Knight icon Defense Mastery 5 15 2700 Rupee
Knight icon Provoke 3 17 4500 Rupee
Knight icon Provoke 4 22 7600 Rupee
Knight icon Shield Mastery 3 11 920 Rupee
Knight icon Shield Mastery 4 16 1900 Rupee
Knight icon Defensive Stance 2 17 1Zeny 3000 Rupee
Knight icon Shield Strike 1 3 500 Rupee
Knight icon Shield Strike 2 6 1400 Rupee
Knight icon Shield Strike 3 10 3100 Rupee
Knight icon Reflect Shield 1 12 1900 Rupee
Knight icon Reflect Shield 2 15 2300 Rupee
Knight icon Reflect Shield 3 18 3200 Rupee
Knight icon Shield Block 1 15 2300 Rupee
Knight icon Shield Block 2 18 3500 Rupee
Knight icon Annoying Strike 1 18 2100 Rupee
Knight icon Annoying Strike 2 18 2900 Rupee
Knight icon Protect 1 18 3400 Rupee
Knight icon Devotion 2 18 7800 Rupee
Knight icon Heroic Fortitude 2 18 1 Zeny 1000 Rupee
Assassin icon Sharpened Blades 3 6 630 Rupee
Assassin icon Sharpened Blades 4 10 1300 Rupee
Assassin icon Sharpened Blades 5 15 2700 Rupee
Assassin icon Deep Cut 2 9 3300 Rupee
Assassin icon Deep Cut 3 19 8400 Rupee
Assassin icon Quick Step 3 11 1900 Rupee
Assassin icon Quick Step 4 17 3700 Rupee
Assassin icon Hemorrhage 2 10 1500 Rupee
Assassin icon Hemorrhage 3 14 3000 Rupee
Assassin icon Hemorrhage 4 19 5700 Rupee
Assassin icon Hiding Stance 2 20 2 Zeny 1700 Rupee
Assassin icon Induce Sleep 1 12 1700 Rupee
Assassin icon Induce Sleep 2 14 2100 Rupee
Assassin icon Flee 2 15 2100 Rupee
Assassin icon Fatal Blow 2 20 4200 Rupee
Assassin icon Cloaking 2 27 1 Zeny 1000 Rupee
Assassin icon Knock Out 2 33 7900 Rupee